S-CSA CS ML Concrete screws, S-CSA
ETA-approved concrete screw for cracked and non-cracked concrete (Size: 6 mm)
- Self-tapping, approved screw anchors for push-through installations.
- Requires a small drill hole diameter. No prescribed tightening torque.
- No expansion forces allowing for small edge distances and spacings.
- Fully removable.
- ML (Multi Layer) corrosion protection coating tested 2016 hours in SST acc. ISO 9227 and then fulfills the requirements for the neutral salt spray test with the corrosion class „C3 very high“ according to DIN EN ISO 12944-6:2018-06.
- For outdoor use in not safety relevant applications.
Technical features
Countersunk head, torx drive
Multi Layer coated
Suitable conditions
Dry indoor / Humid indoor, rural outdoor
- Facade scaffoldings
- Temporary fixings
- Seatings
- Shelves
- Cable racks
- Handrails
- Battens
Base materials
Approved for
- Cracked concrete
- Hollow-core slab
- Non-cracked concrete
Also suitable for
- Solid clay brick
- Solid sand-lime brick